Will you trust me?

On yet another glorious run through the park this morning, I was struggling with something. I am to meet with the school board on Wednesday. Our HR chief called me yesterday to 'give me the heads up' on this week's interview. I have come to feel like we have a great relationship, and that I can be very open and honest with him about everything, and we have shared in some intense conversations on God and our walks. So he tells me the board is interviewing another candidate that they actually brought to NHA who is a strong candidate that is local. All I can do is my best, but it appears that maybe this school is not on the horizon. I don't know that, and I am going to hit another home run tomorrow night. But as I ran and pondered the possibilities, I felt like God again challenged me to the question: 'Will you trust me?' and my answer is "I sure hope so." It has been hard to go through the range of emotions once with thinking something would happen, and it didn't. And now I may face that again. Perhaps if that happens it will be easier. But I strive to put my trust not in a school, or a position, or a principalship, but in He who created me for so much more. I will try to put all my trust in just that. Today. Tomorrow. And for the rest of this process. Help me Jesus, send the Holy Spirit to guide me.


Praying for you- that you can trust him.

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