Sick in the Spring

No, I'm not sick. But Pete is. Sick Pete made his return to nyc yesterday, if only for one night. It was a great night of delicious dinner, conversation, laughs, and more laughs as we and pastor spent the evening together. I was reminded of the many conversations we have had over the last 2 1/2 years that have pushed me closer to God because of how sick pete has challenged me in my walk. It was such a nice evening to have, and I hope it happens more in the future.
And speaking of Spring, my 'normal' drive home from school involves over a mile drive along Prospect Park. The drive does become mundane after a while, with all the lights, traffic, etc. But as pastor said last night, sometimes you see the city with new eyes and it catches you off guard. Yesterday, as I was on my way home to do a quick change and head off for the evening, I drove along the park and noticed the beauty of no longer being able to see into the park. Why you ask? Because the trees are nearly full of foliage, leaves, and the like. And the different hues of green, red, purple, white, yellow, and more reminded me of the new life we all have in us. A new beginning each season to grow closer to Him and each other. And then the tulips. I never thought of myself as a person that enjoys tulips, but when you walk along a small city park, and the tulips pass their scent onto you, and the colors fill your rods and cones, you are reminded that there is more to life than jobs and rent and car maintenance.
Thanks sick pete and pastor for an evening to renew and refresh. Even if you didn't really know that 'sangria' actully means 'bloodletting' en EspaƱol.


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