Not my thinking indeed.

So how do you best serve God's will here on earth when you completely disagree with how things are going? Frustration is only a 11 letter word, and my thoughts tend to go more with three four letter words, because that is clearer than frustration. Sometimes, I simply have to ask myself "WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?" I know that I am not perfect, and I am CERTAIN that the last few years have taught me humility at an entirely new level. But how do people completely disregard others in order to serve themselves, and their own needs? There are situations in nyc where you must be assertive in order to not get trampled-sometimes literally as in a subway station, line of vehicles turning left, or the like. But in simple everyday interactions where you need to listen and think of others first, I find that my frustration with self serving people is HIGH. It is my hope that I never treated people like that in the past. I certainly try my absolute best to not treat them that way today. So I ask God for strength in dealing with what I see as self-serving incorrect decision making. That is the only thing that I can do, and it is SO HARD not to want to smack someone in the head. Thank you for self-control God.


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