Historical Data

Born in PH, lived in smalltownville USA, went to a HS with 62 others in my class. Was rude to most people, but got good grades, played sports, had fun. Dad was the school board president, mom was a bus driver, so didn't get away with much at school. Dad was a plumber in real life, used to work with him on Saturdays and in the summer. Learned a lot about work ethic, putting your best out for anyone, and earning money, oh yeah, and life, too. Knew I wanted to be a teacher, went to SC4 for two and a half years. Went off to CMU to get me a degree. It was a lot of fun being unsupervised on a permanent basis. Too much fun? I think not. However, CMU asked me to not come back until I knew what grades were all about. That happened twice. Went to a CC there, pretty much lost the respect and support of my parents, but didn't want to move back home.
Kept fighting through adversity, had some more fun, then realized that I was supposed to be with someone-CharCharSuperstar. But she didn't realize how much she loved me. Actually there wasn't much to love. Kicked out of school, mean to women, selfish, etc. But I persisted, and she realized just how cute and irresistible I was. (I just threw up in my mouth a little.) CharChar was the first woman that I actually applied what I knew to-if that's a sentence. She helped me to chase my dreams, motivated me to be the person I could become. And so, I finished college, got a teaching job, and the rest is history.
Taught two years in c-town, went to LO, then to R-town, the to CV, back to R-town. Anywho-in the meantime-two beautiful daughters. Alli is now 8-3rd grade, Livvy is now 5-Kindergarten. More on them later. LOVE THEM.
Now I'm a principal at RMS. I've been chasing the dream of being the best leader and making what ever school I'm in the best school. But something happened in August that changed all that. Leadership Summit at Kensington. Actually listened to God, things haven't been the same since. More to come...


K said…
hhhmmm... I can't believe you left out the part about pushing your cousin down the landing and two flights of stairs causing her to get stitches and your aunt and brother to miss watching the Brady Bunch

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