Motion Sensor

Well, if you read my posts, it has been 'a hot minute' since my last fence building post. You are probably sitting on the edge of your chair checking my blog daily to see what happened. Or not. Thing is, because of the aussie and pastor, I was encouraged and convinced to take the high road, and even though I still feel I did nothing wrong, I did apologize for 'if' I reacted wrong. Of course the other end did not accept any wrongdoing either, but truth be told, I probably could have been less defensive. My problem is that I have a hard time when there are such important things that need to be addressed are not, and that was the thing that was addressed. (that may not make any sense to you, but it does to me) So I was immediately given affirmations two days after the fence building, and I feel that God just gave me a small gift and told me - it will be ok. Trust me. I continue to try to learn just that - to trust in Him. The day of fence building, I was on the train going into the city, and was taken back to my mother's bedside as she was dying and in her last days. I recalled then the peace that God gave me, and remembered standing at her side, my hand on her small shoulder, touching her bald head (yeah, that's why mine is so good looking), and spending time just praising God. In that moment of what would appear to be agony and pain and suffering, I was praising my Creator. Doesn't even make sense, but that is what God is. Nonsensical Love. God is Love. What is He? Love. Unmistakeable Love. With a capital R.
So why is it that going through the motions of life is so challenging? Because Jesus promised us just that - "In this life you will have trouble." If you look at John 16:33, you see just this:

33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

He guarantees we will have trouble. That is certain, but look at the first line - He told us these things why? So that in Him, we may have peace. He has overcome the world.

Help me Lord to set my motion sensor on your desires. That when there is a motion in this world you want me to see, that my eyes are open to it. That I might take heart in your peace and follow you more in all I do.


Morgan's Mom said…
thx T$! I needed that reminder.
Anonymous said…
As one of the 'among the nations' readers of your blog, I actually have been watching and waiting for your posts. :) I stumbled (I believe spirit-led is more apt though) across your blog recently, and it HAS encouraged me and challenged me. Your words are making a difference, and I'm grateful you take the time to share them with us.
Charlotte Kelly said…
Ahh, nonsensical love. It's so true. Thanks for showing the same nonsensical love to me, even when I'm blah. I am so proud to call you my man. Keep tearing down those fences and setting your motion the word pictures.

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