Go among the nations.

Life. It is what matters, right? So why do we go through life, engaging in foolishness, wrestling with stupidity, and not following what we truly believe? Figure that one out and let me know, would you all?

On this blog, I have a 'sitemeter' that tracks how many people visit, where they are, what gets them to the site, etc. It is really a pretty astonishing tool if you think about it. And I get a monthly report on it. I don't look at it very often, but once in a while, I will peruse some of the information contained therein. I came to the realization that I am just about to push the 20,000 visit mark. When I stop for a moment and consider that fact, it is pretty mind boggling. That is a lot of people that have visited, and I didn't really know why I started this blog, but felt compelled to a few years ago.

So if you look at just the last 100 visitors, of course my Michigan entourage is tuned in, but there are people I don't know looking in from MI, as I can look on a map and see it. Also included are: Texas, California, Wisconsin, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, North Carolina, Washington DC (Obama Mama?), Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and of course NY - and again people I don't know from other areas of NY. That blows my mind.

Now, lets talk about something that God continues to say to me in my quiet time - which I will admit I have SUCKED at as of late. (Goal #1 - get back on track with this) I often hear "Go among the nations" when I listen, and part of me believes that has some kind of grand implication here in NYC where it is so diverse. But I do know that I have gotten a couple of comments on my blog as well, one from someone in Brazil - by the by I have prayed for your radio station and the work you are doing there - and someone who wrote the comment in Italian, from Italy I am assuming, that is a priest of some kind there - by the by I don't speak Italian, but can google a good translator. But maybe this blog is 'going among the nations'. Take a look at part and parcel of the last 100 visits:
Canada - including Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec; United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary, Spain, Saudi Arabia, India, Korea, Malaysia, and Australia.
And those are in the last 100. Please know all of you among the nations that you have encouraged me today to strive in my walk. To post more often, and to continue to push into my relationship with Jesus, and with the people around me. If you are reading this regularly from another state or another nation, post a comment and tell me about yourself so I can pray for you to be encouraged today. And always. And "Go. Go among the nations to preach the good news." Blessings.


Thats me from Missouri dude....by way of Michigan of course. I'm a blog stalker what can I say??? LOL!
Thanks for nice posting and wondering your thought . amazing your recently post ...
Anonymous said…
I'm a 'lurker' from Indiana. I'm a single mom of two daughters, trying to raise them the best I can to become ladies that love the Lord. I've got a long way to go to be the example they need, but God has been working at my heart and I'm slowly starting to see the changes He desires. Your blog opens my eyes to more things I need to address in my own life, and I appreciate that. May God bless you for 'going among the nations' !

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