Not the Time, Not the Place, But Jesus.

I haven't been running quite so much with the cool of the air. Although it is much warmer on the whole here in Brooklyn than in MI, it has been pretty cold on the potential days I have had to run lately. So I started the 'spartacus' workout, and squats hurt. But I haven't run, and the workout requires thinking, paying attention to the weights, etc. It's not just a simple check out of life and run, where I can spend some quality time in prayer or just in conversation with God. But I decided to run yesterday, and I put in my three miles. That's a long way to run if you are not going regularly...

But just as it has been my pattern, I often find spiritual revelations in my excercise time with Jesus. Yesterday, I was running, and kept checking the time....kept checking the distance....this much longer......this much further.... But then I think God told me to not pay attention to the amount of time you have left. To not pay attention to the place you are in. But to pay attention to Jesus in the moment. What an incredible reminder for me to be mindful of the fact that it doesn't matter the time we have, nor the place we are in, but it matters thtat we are following Jesus. I have been 'biding my time' at work in hopes that I will officially be named principal of the school for this fall. Not that I haven't been working hard, but just counting days, etc. The same with the place I'm in physically and spiritually. Just passing through, but not fully engaged.

But today, the message was 'Do you still not understand?' And the reminder was so full in my heart in combination with my phrase from yesterday (not the time, not the place, but Jesus), that I am renewed in strength and power today. I am revitalized as I review the last year and the protection God has placed around me and the kkft. The incredible things that He continues to do with me and through me. Jesus is my King and I will focus on serving Him and others before myself. Thank you for the reminder, and I pray I will continue to be reminded of why we live our lives-to glorify the wonderous works He does in us each minute of each day, in every place that we visit.


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