BK One.

I am not sure what God is up to with a relatively new relationship in my life, but I do know He is up to something. Last fall, I got to meet and get to know bk a little bit at a training for my job. Funny thing is, bk's dad was my high school civics teacher, and his dad had a profound influence on my life changing direction for the positive when I was a junior in high school. At the time, I was hanging out with the wrong people doing the wrong things, and of course I didn't listen to my parents when they pointed out these things to me because I knew everything, but when bk's dad talked to me, it meant something to me. Maybe God intervened on my behalf through his dad? That conversation initially catapulted me to stand up for truth and work with the tools that God gave me as gifts for the good. Fact is, bk and I are now encouraging one another in our walk. Initially, we both thought that maybe God was calling bk to come to BK-LYN to work with me. For now, it doesn't appear to be God's plan. But maybe someday. For now, I will continue to pray that God uses bk in incredible ways in his neighborhood. That He brings men that could use another man to walk alongside them and encourage them, just as he is encouraging me in my walk.


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