Jesus is with you.

Today was the first time that I got to run in over a week (I think). I've been quite busy working for the last few weeks helping prepare to open the new school. There is a lot to do, and I'm still learning a lot each day about what that looks like in Brooklyn. Today at work, my supervisor told me that the co. will have their vote on the 15th of Sept. That vote will be to approve the site for dreams. That site happens to be less than 2 miles from our apartment. What are the odds? Oh, hang that. "Jesus is with you." That's what I heard on my run today as I pondered just how close that is to our new home. Running has become a time for me to work out with my excercise partner-Jesus. I didn't realize how much I checked out of life and checked in with Jesus on my runs. But today it was invigorating physically, mentally, and spiritually. With the first week of school nearly under our belt, dkny said to me this week after the first day-"just think, 364 days until it's your turn." Thanks for being with me, Jesus, and for continuing to blow me away with your plans that never seem to be on my radar until it becomes my daily bread.


Anonymous said…
I'm loven the new gray look. Rather sophisticated.
Pickel Head

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