Encouragement from God

This type of encouragement comes in many ways. Here are the ones that I experienced this week:
  • Through the Holy Spirit-the gentle voice of God coming to you continually--but only when you actually engage in listening and heeding His voice
  • Through an incredible mentor-someone that can guide you in wisdom, knowledge, and the challenge of truly following Jesus
  • Through a wonderful spouse-someone that loves and serves you more than themselves
  • Through children given to you from God-my daughters have a zest for life that continuously reminds me of the joy of living
  • Through the support of family and friends-this happened without even speaking to any of them. Just knowing that many that I love believe in me.
  • Through justification through Christ-knowing that my sins were bore on his shoulders so that I might have relationship with the Creator
  • Through God's people-I am encouraged simply by the immense population of God's people, black, white Korean, foreigners in a land--just like I am a foreigner that believes in Christ in a world of people that don't know Him
  • Through the immensity of the universe-Stars, plants, animals, creations, buildings, people, cities, bodies of water, etc.
  • Through the grace offered to me at no expense-and experiencing the freedom of Christ

As I ran Prospect Park this morning (that's right yo-3.36 miles in 35 minutes) I felt the hand of God guiding my life, enabling me to follow Jesus. The love of God pouring over me. He continues to ask me to 'trust Him'. And so, I'm off to try to figure out what that means.


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