What to do.

So as I sit on the porch on LBI-thanks once again to raver and anne-I reflect on a few things. One-I will miss my pal Jimmer. I so enjoy just being with him, talking with him, laughing with him, talking about life with him. There are only a few men that I have deep relationships with in this world, and Jimmer is one that will last a lifetime. Bench good-beach bad.
Two-a get away is necessary at times in your life. You must leave your current state of chaos in order to make order and sense of this world. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
Three-how do you serve people that are not church going and tie them into a community of Jesus followers? I sit on this deck on a Sunday morning thinking of my community of Jesus followers and what Sunday means to them. And I look about this house, and this street, and this island and see people that don't even know what that means. How to you connect their life to the life of our creator that they don't know?
Back to the city to be with the ones I love. The people that I cherish. My family. My communitas community. My neighborhood. My city.


Charlotte Kelly said…
I think that all we can do is take each step with Jesus as our guide and know that His spirit shines through us. Pray each day for Him to put people and opportunities in our path, and then intentionally follow through on LOVING people. The holy spirit has to do the changing of hearts, all we can do is be obedient to His prompting. But, I'm with ya, it's overwhelming to consider all the millions of people who don't KNOW!

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