So much to say, so little blogs...

The 'official' commissioning at Kensington Community Church was this weekend for Communitas. What an honor to stand in front of others and represent the life that Jesus called us to while he was on earth. "Thy kingdom come" was something that I heard a lot in prayers growing up, but that was just a rote activity, not something that I meant as I said it. Nor did I see the people around me living it out here on earth. But now I am part of a group of people that are at the least trying to bring the kingdom of God to earth, and even more strategically, New York City. After the services, people came up to us and thanked us and prayed for us and shared with us. I can't explain to you in words the satisfaction of following Jesus with your life. That's because it is inexplicable. I continue to hope in His will for my life, and I ask Jesus to make it clear to me what it is that I need to do for Him each day. I can't wait to see how it will end in obtaining a job and selling the house. Superstar and I always have talked about our willingness to go on adventures. Never before have we embarked on an adventure quite like this.


Anonymous said…
Every day life with Jesus is an adventure, whether he calls you to a different location or not is irrelevant. Every day he will push you outside of your comfort, into unchartered territory, and into an adventure where you HAVE to rely on him because what he is asking you to do, you can not do on your own. So, what adventure is he calling you on TODAY?

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