Big Red

So I am going to miss camping A LOT when we move to the city. Big Red has been a trustworthy motorhome for the KKFT outings we have had. Anywhere from Uncle Don's family campground in the Creek (pronounced Crick), to a West Virginia Highway with no oil, to Muskegon where the fan belt came off as we pulled into the campground, to Talladega and riding in a car with some guy to get a battery after initially thinking my uncle had died inside the camper. Good times. Lots of them. I don't like camping, I love it. I will miss the sound of the Chevy 454 under my butt (figuratively and literally), and the 'race car' exhaust as superstar calls it. But until we leave or God shows me how to sell it with gas prices over $4.00 a gallon, I'll be sitting under the awning drinking a coffee.


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