Covid 19 vs. Community

Wow.  The intensity of all that has transpired in the last 13 days is something people are not accustomed to experiencing.  As I now have a bit more time and space to reflect on what is truly important to me, it is a reminder that we are all created to be in community.  That means we are not well equipped to be successful in life on our own.  We need people.  We need each other.  We need a web of support in order to be successful in life, school, work, democracy, heck in everything.  We are led to believe that we can 'pull up our bootstraps' and 'put our nose to the grindstone' and I'm certain you could add phrases of this type to the list.  But perhaps they are lies we believe. 
I want to share with you how I am personally getting through the stay home, chaotic day to day new way, toilet paper shortages when people lose their mind and buy it all, and trying to charge the batteries of my family.  It is because I have a community that cares for me.  My wife loves me, even when I screw things up.  My family cares for me, even if we disagree or drive each other crazy at times - and in quarantine perhaps a bit more loco.  I care for them while they are caring for me.  I have dear friends and colleagues that text, call, email, just to check in on me/us.  For more than a year now, I have continued to 'pursue' some work paths that have led to me being in the middle of an incredible community.  I have become friends with a few incredible human beings that know me, see me, hear me, and care for me.  Isn't this what we all desire?  Even with our flaws that people would know our hearts, see our hearts driving our life path, and not only hearing our thoughts and dreams, but providing support and care so we can chase after those dreams with a vengeance.  I have the capacity to be well with my family because of the community around me.  I have patience and love for my colleagues because my family helps me to be the best me I can be.  Among all this change, confusion, chaos, and uncertainty, I am certain that God has brought me a Baker, a Hunter, and a Doctor to be my "flying buttresses" - to make sure that I stay up and am able to be full for those around me.  I read Psalm 19 this morning, and I am again reminded that God has a plan for our community - He knows exactly what we need.  And He gives it to us.  One Covid 19 day at a time - so that we don't get too far ahead of His plan for our community.  Thank you Jesus.


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