Resolutions, Actions, and Failures

Each year, it seems we all take time for resolutions.  What am I going to stop doing.  What am I going to start.  We typically start off great, and then the tires fall off.  This year, I am not making a resolution to take action that stops.  This year, I am going to take a positive spin on it.  What is the one thing I am going to do consistently to build a habit?  (Thanks @jamesclear) Well, actually there are a bunch of things I want to consistently do, and keep doing without failure.  One is write more.  It helps me process life, what God has for me, learning, and redemption.  It helps me to 'take captive my thoughts', and as a base thinker for those of you that understand Adaptive Communication, this fills my bucket and charges my battery SO THAT I can pay attention to exactly what I need to be doing.  I have spent the last year purposefully focusing myself on learning about communication - and how people get their psychological and motivational needs met through their preferred channels.  Wow.  This is powerful stuff.  And I learn so much about the people in my family, those I work with, my friends, heck, even my service provider Anton that helps me understand what craft beers are delicious and popular.  
So for 2020 I am going to blog more.  Fill my bucket more.  Charge my batteries more.  And when I take care of myself, I can be better prepared to take care of those around me.  To resolve my year this year to Focus.  Others.  First.  


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