Into The Unknown.

Is it a good thing?  This is a question that I have had a few people pose to me recently.  Next week, Friday, April 1st will be my last day in my current role as a school principal.  I have been working in the world of education for over 20 years, and in some role as a school leader for the last 15+.  It certainly has taught me a s%$# ton about myself, the world, humanity, learning, coaching, mentoring, friendships, marriage, children, villages, cultures, content, and people.  The last couple of weeks as the reality of leaving not only this job, but this career field - have really been peace bringing, joyful, affirming, and bittersweet.  I have known that God has been moving me - physically across the country; spiritually - teaching me about who He is and how to follow Him; emotionally - how to deal with the reality of this broken world in conjunction with how I experience it; socially - the incredible (and not so incredible) people that I not only have met, but been engaged in the reality of this world and their lives; personally - learning about who I really am and who God has created me to be....maybe you get the picture.  I felt like a couple years ago, as I ran down the trail God asked me to 'quit his job.'  I didn't know then what it meant, and I am still exploring that, but I feel like He has continued to prompt me for this next step.  Looking back at the 20+ years, and having conversations about it with my superstar, the education has not been the part that has brought me true joy.  The lifetime friends I would call in an emergency, or to share joy, or to reach out for help, or to spend time praying for - these are the people that have brought me true joy.  And the times and experiences with each and every one of them were not all joy filled.  But it is the people that I love - not the job, not the career.  And now, I am stepping again into the unknown, and I clearly see the people that God has placed in this unknown with me - and I am blessed.  Incredible part is, without my superstar, I would not be in a space where I could do this.  She is the most incredible woman I have ever met.  Knowing that she is my proverbs 31 woman - an incredible gift from my Creator.  And the excitement (and nervousness) that I have to step into this unknown is full of peace, comfort, and honor.  I praise God for the opportunities I have had in this leg of my career, my life.  I thank Him for the incredible people that I have had an opportunity to serve.  To know.  To come to love - because it wasn't all love from the first day.  But this love comes from Him - from releasing my clutch of my life, my desires, my evil ways, my pursuit of earthly stupidity.  I now have three days left until the next unknown begins, and I LEAP off this bridge that He has placed before me, built for me, repaired for me, lit on fire, reconstructed, fortified, tied to others' bridges, and shown me incredible vies of the world below as I have walked, ran, and at times been dragged across His bridge - his path.  Into the unknown.  With Him.  What else could a man ask for?


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