First Half.

This week, I had an opportunity to run my 'First Half' Marathon here in BKLY.  "The Brooklyn Half" as it is affectionately known.  13.1 miles is not something I ever thought this  body would be able to (NOR have the desire to) complete.  But it was a personal goal I had this year - to run a marathon.  
Of course I will not be going 26.2 miles in one shot, but I thought perhaps I could do two 'halfs' and might even be able to do it this year.  But the half was quite an emotional experience for me, and if you have followed this blog, you have probably read somewhere along the way about my learning to connect 'training' time physically = physical fitness and growth, to 'training' time spiritually = growing in the spirit and trust in God.  But as the KKFT faces moving away from this place I thought might always be my home, this run was something special.  As I ran, I got to reflect on the last 4 years (5 if you include my trips before moving out here) and all that we have had an opportunity to experience whilst living here ~ and I feel so fortunate to have had this life experience.  I got to run down washington thinking about theandrewsfamily and all the times we rode into the city together.  I recalled my first 5k in the park (fogettaboutit 5k) and training for that in the early days not wanting to run up that stupid hill.  I recalled all the times the girls and I
explored the trails, or they climbed a tree, or frisbee or concerts or all the runs in the park.  I got to run over the bridge into our neighborhood, run by the girls' school that I have prayed for for years, run down ocean parkway past the school I thought I might open, all the way to the ocean where many a traveller has entered this fair city from another continent.  But the more I ran, the more I prayed that God would help me (not only to finish the 13.1) to go on this next leg of my journey ~check that~ our journey, because the KKFT has had some great opportunities here, and I am certain more opportunities to come.
So, I am somewhere around mile 10, and a woman runs past me and she has put tape on her shirt that says "First Half".  And it brought joy to me -  I felt a connection with her, even though I never saw her face nor talked with her, as I was also in my "First Half".  And how cool that both of us worked to accomplish this goal of sorts.  And then God pressed something into me - I am 43 years old, and it took me this long to prepare for my "first half" - and if I am really fortunate, I might live to be 86.  If.  I. Am. Really. Fortunate.  So indeed my first half of my life is most likely over.  I don't get another first half.  And at one point during the race, there were people on the sidelines cheering.  Some for family.  Some for friends.  Some just for fun and to encourage people they didn't even know.  And I pictured Jesus standing there cheering for me.  In my first half.  Holding a sign, waving his arms, smiling, laughing even, cheering for me in my first half.  And I had to spend some time thinking about what might come to be in the 'Second Half'.  
I pray that I might stay fit in the truth and the word that helps me to know what is right and good.  I pray that the second half might cause Jesus to cheer so loud, and run next to me the entire 'second half'.  And that I might glorify and honor Him in all I do.  As I hit the finish line, I was overcome with emotion.  Something I never really considered doing (nor able to) ~ I did.  And it was good.  And the joy and peace that surpasses all understanding overwhelmed me at that finish line.  I could hardly catch my breath.  So I look forward to the second half.  That each day I would pay attention to what is around me ~ that I might focus on others first ~ and that I might shine light on this world to glorify Him.


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