Trust and Obey.

What a wonderful evening yesterday in the city. After a full day of work and school, I was fortunate enough to have dinner with Mr. Hewitt which involved a splendid beer, a burger bigger than my head at Jackson Hole, and an awesome conversation about life, work, and the journey that is the life of those trying to follow Jesus. (Thanks Mr. Hewitt) Then I got to go to the kallens (my only UWS friends) and listen to Jaya Sankar - an incredible Indian man that continues to truly live out James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Jaya lives this out at a place called CEM-Christ Evangelical Mission, and you can learn more about the work God has him doing at
His story of faith and obedience to God is incredible, but for Jaya, it is not about his story, it's about His story. "The God of Light" that he began to learn about at age 12 continues to grow his faith. While listening to him speak last night, I was touched in my spirit by what he does, and how God has taken empty lots and turned them into holy places where the love of Jesus is experienced by many. Jaya said that God said to him at one point: "Trust and Obey." Something I feel like I have heard God tell me so often since our move to NYC. I have been bogged down with this world, and need to elevate my game a bit in light of God's reminder that I must 'trust and obey' Him. I need to spend more time with my Creator so that I can hear Him speak to me through others, through His word, and through His Holy Spirit. Thank you Jaya for the reminder. Please pray that God will continue to turn empty lots into places of refuge for the people in Jaya's community. Pray for the home for the elderly they are dreaming of. The leadership training they want to do for the future of their people, their city, and their country. Pray for money to do new and wonderful things so that others might experience the joy of Jesus calling them to 'trust and obey.' Amen.


Charlotte Kelly said…
So true. In order to trust and obey, we need to STOP and LISTEN!!! Hard to do no matter what pace your life moves at. Hey, I notice that you are slacking on giving newbies special hidden-identity references and you are using real names. GASP!
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Super posting for Trust and Obey. interesting details share and nice your idea .best posting

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