That's a Week Full

So many things that happened this week, it's hard when I don't take the time to blog about what is happening to keep it all straight in my head. But I can tell you that I did visit Michigan this week, and you would think that it would have been 'like going home'. But it wasn't. It was actually an odd feeling to be there, and only having officially lived in nyc since June, you would think that nyc would not feel like home already. But it does. This is my home. This is my city. This is where I live. This is where I stay. And I love it so.
But a couple of observations from my trip-first the boy is so cute, it's sick. It was nice, even if it was only for a few minutes, to bounce him on my knee, to hear him say 'ma', and to hear him giggle. Another observation is the very clear reminder that God gave me the entire time to there and fro that He has put me here for a reason. I helped a guy that shared the row with me on the plane, he was a first time flyer. He had some questions, he had to find his transfer in Detroit, and so I helped him with some things. He was on his way to Ohio to meet with his son that he had been out of touch with, and he wasn't sure how it was going to go. But I prayed for him, and I will wonder for a long time how that went for him. Another observation-benzr makes me laugh. Hard. A lot. I so miss spending time with her each day, and it was great spending some time catching up and laughing.

Another thing that hit me this week was the fact that I always have a plan for how I would like to see things play out. No matter what it is. Perhaps Alli's school for next year, perhaps my deans for my school, perhaps the evening at home, whatever it is....I always hope things will go this way or that. But I need to stop my wishes from taking over my thoughts, and have 'the mind of Christ' in all that I do. That is hard to do. That is the challenge of my modern days here in nyc-to allow His plan to lead my steps and not my own.

Finally, the superstar will have her bday tomorrow. A friend of allison took both the girls saturday, and the star and I got to spend some great time together and discover a couple of new places in Brooklyn. I so enjoyed spending time with the star and walking the Brooklyn Bridge. Tomorrow we will go to dinner to celebrate with the kkft. Happy Bday Superstar. I love you so much, it's sick. :)


Anonymous said…
Glad your roots are planted where God would have you grow. Glad you are not attemping to look back as he has you plowing a head in your new city. You keep working for the Kingdom and He will keep your path straight. Wonderful to read more about your trust in Him and your desire to love as Christ loves. tmp
KT said…
Wait....what?! You were in Michigan???????????

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