10 years of Joy

It is the old addage that 'time flies when you are having fun'. Time also flies by faster as you get older, which I have certainly learned as I move along this journey we call life. I am blessed beyond belief with a life that I always wanted, and I realize that is because I have allowed God to work in my life, and realized the meaning of Jesus' teaching.
It is almost hard to believe that as the star and I first began our marriage, I was thinking that I didn't want kids, but God changed my heart on that. And look at the joy that my life now contains because of my response to his promptings. This young lady that continues to develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is a young lady that I am proud of to the nth degree. The joy she brings to my heart and soul is beyond measure, and inexplicable with mere words. I struggle with the fact that the star and I may already be beyond the half way point of our large sphere of influence on her life, but know she is wise beyond her years, her heart is for Jesus and others, and know that she cares deeply about others. I continue to learn from her as I go through my own life, and I am thankful for 10 years of joy. I pray for health, wisdom, safety, and for a calling on her life that only Jesus can provide. I love you Allison. :)


Morgan's Mom said…
Happy Birthday Alli!! More and more beautiful every year.
Enjoy your day T$, she is your blessing.
K said…
I love Allison too!! I can't believe how much I can love all my nieces, but Alli is very special to me.

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