Resonating My Spirit

What is it about music that my soul resonates with? Upon hearing almost any type of music whatsoever, I sense God more keenly-or at least I think I do. Music for some reason particularly enhances any spiritual experience I have. Wherever. Whatever. Music enhances my senses of the Holy Spirit speaking to me, moving in me, showing me what to see. Even as I sit in the airport in Albany, NY after a LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG week of sit and get, I listen to my ipod and I am immediately tuned in to seeing things more clearly with my eyes. The people about me pop more. The sunshine is brighter. The bricks are straighter. The sky is bluer. My inner spirit bounces along with the beat. It tunes me in and tunes the 'world' out. I am not really sure how to explain it. Or if I am? But music allows my mind, my heart, and my soul to meander through thoughts and ideas that I don't think I would normally land on without music falling through my head. Of particular interest to me more and more is music without lyrics. I can't take too much classical....but house music. Electric. Whatever you want to call it. It pushes my brain to another level.
I have always known I have ADD issues, but I had someone ask me this week-jb, my personal travel agent: "Are you ADD?" as I jumped from one topic to the next without warning on her in mid conversation. "YUP." But music seems to harness some of those issues for me into dynamic thought patterns.
So what is it about music that does that?


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