Moving, My superstar, Best Job in the World

So after arriving home Friday night, we finished packing things up. My bestest friends -jimmer, mg, cdubs, hammy, panks, pickle head, my battered sis, and the neighbor's truck- all packed things from Woodside, and moved them into my mother and father's house. I can't even explain to you the gratitude for the assistance, for the grace of my parents, and for the insurmountable work that my wife did before, during, and after the move. By sunday morning, you would never even know that we had been there less than 12 hours. Superstar unpacked and established the nest in the basement at the 'rents. Unbelievable.
As I cleaned the house that was almost completely empty, I prayed for God to continue to use that home for His purposes. That is what I prayed so many times before the house was built, while we were building it, and as we lived there for the last 61/2 years. It is the only house that Livvy has known. (PS-we also celebrated her 7th bday and mother's day on Sunday!) The home being a lifelong dream-to build my own house in the woods, and the fact that I got to do that with my dad at my side is such a blessing in and of itself. But the echo without any furniture, the echo without anything on the walls reminded me that the walls didn't make it a home. Our love for Jesus that we displayed to each other, the times spent pouring into our family and others, the joy, the sorrow, the emotions that passed there-those are what made it a home. I will miss it, but I pray for the Natester to raise his own family in a godly manner on Woodside. I praise God for the neighbors that I grew to love. I praise him for the quiet moments we shared there.
And not even being there much over the last month because I have the greatest job in the world that God hand picked to serve His purposes I think has eased my attachment to the place. I am fortunate enough to work for an incredible company with an incredible mission, and to be supported enough to follow Jesus with my life and my work. All in all-I couldn't name one thing in my life right now that could be improved in any way shape or form. And so, I lift my eyes up to the hills......Psalm 121.


Anonymous said…
you're great! I thought I was some crazy praying freak, because as I cleaned the bathroom I was praying and asking God to bless the new owener. I was praying away for his health, wisdom, walk with the Lord. I was doing a bunch of forward moving type of prayers that only make sence in prayer time and I could never write about it. So super glad to hear you are also praying for "new guy".
I know Woodside drive will miss the love of the Kellys, but I also know the house it's self is not the family the people are.
Just like the church building is not the church the people are. I am so thrilled for the people of
9th street to be recieving the love that is coming their way.
Oh and you are such a smoozer, You know you mentioned Pickel Head just because I read the blog, not because I really carried any boxes or did anything. Love ya!

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